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<?php class Paginator { public $current_page = 1; public $num_pages; public $return; public $mid_range = 20; public $items_total = 0; public $data = array(); /** * the constructer */ public function __construct() { } private function paginate($page = 1,$items_total = 0, $per_page=0, $weburl='') { $this->num_pages = ceil($items_total/$per_page); $this->current_page = (isset($page) && $page > 0 && $page <= $this->num_pages) ? (int) $page : 1 ; // must be numeric > 0 $prev_page = $this->current_page-1; $next_page = $this->current_page+1; $this->data['totalRows'] = $items_total; $this->data['totalPages'] = $this->num_pages; $this->data['results'] = $this->items_total; $this->data['previous'] = $prev_page; $this->data['current'] = $this->current_page; $this->data['next'] = $next_page; $this->data['last'] = $this->num_pages; if($this->num_pages > 10) { $this->return = ($this->current_page > 1 && $items_total >= 10) ? "<li><a class=\"paginate\" href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?page=$prev_page$weburl\">« Previous</a></li>":""; $this->start_range = $this->current_page - floor($this->mid_range/2); $this->end_range = $this->current_page + floor($this->mid_range/2); if($this->start_range <= 0) { $this->end_range += abs($this->start_range)+1; $this->start_range = 1; } if($this->end_range > $this->num_pages) { $this->start_range -= $this->end_range-$this->num_pages; $this->end_range = $this->num_pages; } $this->range = range($this->start_range,$this->end_range); for($i=1;$i<=$this->num_pages;$i++) { if($this->range[0] > 2 && $i == $this->range[0]) { $this->data['pages'][] = ""; $this->return .= ""; } if($i==1 || $i==$this->num_pages || in_array($i,$this->range)) { if($i==$page){ $active='active'; } $this->data['pages'][] = $i; $this->return .= ($i == $this->current_page) ? "<li class=\"$active\"><a title=\"Go to page $i of $this->num_pages\" class=\"current\" href=\"jaavscript:void(0)\">$i</a></li>":"<li><a class=\"paginate\" title=\"Go to page $i of $this->num_pages\" href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?page=$i$weburl\" onclick='gets($i)'>$i</a></li>"; } if($this->range[$this->mid_range-1] < $this->num_pages-1 && $i == $this->range[$this->mid_range-1]) { $this->data['pages'][] = ""; $this->return .= ""; } } $this->return .= (($this->current_page < $this->num_pages && $items_total >= 10) And ($page != 'All') And $this->current_page > 0) ? "<li><a class=\"paginate\" href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?page=$next_page$weburl\">Next »</a></li>\n":""; } else { for($i=1;$i<=$this->num_pages;$i++) { if($i==$page){ $active='active'; } $this->data['pages'][] = $i; $this->return .= ($i == $this->current_page) ? "<li class=\"$active\"><a class=\"current\" href=\"#\">$i</a></li>":"<li><a class=\"paginate\" href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?page=$i$weburl\">$i</a></li>"; } } } /** * Returns the string that is the result of the paginator */ public function displayHtmlPages($page = 1,$items_total = 0, $per_page=0, $weburl='') { $this->paginate($page,$items_total,$per_page,$weburl); return $this->return; } /** * Returns an array paginator data */ public function getPaginateData( $page = 1,$items_total = 0 ) { $this->paginate($page,$items_total); return $this->data; } }